Archive | April, 2010

Getting rid of unwanted baggage

19 Apr

The running continues, although I’ve missed the odd session and had a few “lighter” days, but nonetheless the habit remains which is the key. Oddly enough, it appears to be kicking in now – just shot down about 7 lbs (4 kg) in one week. No doubt a glitch, but nonetheless I am now into BMI < 30 (overweight) territory again, and out of BMI > 30 (obese) territory. Yey me.

Also managed to ditch some unwanted junk from the house. Having bought a new tiny laptop, I realised it was time to let go of the one that broke years ago. Almost freecycled it, but then on a whim I chucked it on ebay and netted £18 for it. Hope the buyer can do more with it than me – it did sort of start up, but just kept freezing up. As always, when anyone pays the “BuyItNow” cost on Ebay, I always think “damn, could of put that higher”, which is dumb and greedy of me. So as I take it down the post office today I’ll try and remember that really I just wanted to get rid of it (for nothing) and this way it should end up in the hands of someone who might make use of it, rather than potentially in the hands of someone on freecycle who would seem much less likely to make good use of it.

In other news, life goes on, visa application is pretty much in (just getting police and health checks processed now) and now I can focus on preparations for my brother’s wedding – mainly getting him drunk and bad-mouthing him on his special day. What else are brothers for ?!