Archive | August, 2010

Tick followed tock followed tick followed tock

9 Aug

The waiting game – that is the name of the game now. The final visa health waiver comments are in, posted and submitted. From my liason at Australia house I have been given the impression that they normally have a decision now in 2-3 weeks. Needless to say, having pushed the letter into the postbox I was overcome with a feeling of relief, followed by one of utter terror. It was too late to change anything now, the die is cast, it’s all in someone else’s control now. Hate that.

But this gives me time to gather thoughts and inner reserves for the big move (if it happens… touch wood). I have a heady number of stag and wedding do’s to come, so need to be ahead of the game on planning an international move that may or may not go ahead. Not sure it’s much harder than a normal national house move, in fact there is probably no option to hire a dodgy cheap ship and move it all myself, so after the expense it’s probably a lot easier, given I will have to draft in professionals (or “Others” at least) to assist here.

Parties wlll also be required. Not just to say goodbye, but to get through all those wonderful spirits I’ve built up through the last few years. Too much whiskey (although many kind offers to mind it in my absence) – might have to start a habit soon just to get through some of it. Perhaps not; although a Monday evening tot whilst blogging sounds positively refined. And not at all alcoholic, oh no.

All the excitement / vast unpleasantness of a potential move almost had me forgetting – I had another scan last week, and relieved to say it’s 100% clear. Even more relieved than normal, as there was a little sub-1% doubt on the clearness from my radiographer, but my consultant saw nothing, and after a head to head with them, they agreed they both saw it as clear now. Crumbs on the monitor, I reckon. They do good biscuits at Basingstoke hospital’s MRI wing, you see.

Fitness going well, went VERY well last week, when my scales broke and told me I had lost 2 stone in a week. They are alas working again now, but I have managed to pull myself back under 18 stone after a bit of a piggy time in Greece was followed by a food-tastic disaster over a long weekend in Cornwall. Back to longer runs now though – 7.5km a couple of Sundays ago, and 5km last Sunday (was a bit hungover though, so it’s more of a result really). Have signed up to this cycle hire scheme in London too, which looks fun, and should let me cycle when I’m off to visit friends in London, or out into town – my regular bike doesn’t like being left in the middle of London, but happy to leave a hire bike there !

Still plowing through mountains of undone items in the wake of the visa. Not sure the todo lists ever get fully done, but a few more ticks and I think I might relax enough for sleep ! Oh dear, life shouldn’t be this stressful. Must be doing it wrong again.