Archive | February, 2005

Hi Hooooooo

17 Feb

After a month of interviews, stress attacks and sofa hopping in London I have finally got a job. In the end, no less than six offers came through (blimey) and the task of whittling them down was tricky. But eventually, I decided to go with a gut feeling as well as sidestep the finacially based jobs to take up a software development role with a small company (20 people) called Propero who are based in Waterloo.

This starts on Monday (ooooo) and has hightlighted the next problem in my so called life, which is that I am still living with my parents . Not relishing the thought of a daily commute, I am looking for a slightly more permanant base in London, but fear I may be sofa hopping for a few more weeks until that all comes about.

Trying not to let my nomadic existance bring me down, several hosuing type offers have appeared, it’s just a matter of time ! Plus I don’t actually get a paycheck until end of March now, so maybe the low rent situation isn’t all THAT bad 🙂 Keep tuend for more first-week at work news, where I predict I will have lots of doco to read, and no computer to work with – just going on past form, you understand 😉

Lost in Les Hooches

9 Feb

Today, whilst boarding, I took a wrong turn. Then another wrong turn. Like Alice down the rabbit hole, I carried on off piste following some snowboard tracks and footprints. Then both sets of tracks stopped, where I realised the boarding tracks went DOWN, but the footprints were going UP. I had followed the tracks of another guy who realised he was miles off course, and unlike him could not easily climb the slope – the snow was too deep and thick.

So I had to continue downwards, onto some tram tracks and then quickly onto a small path which seemed to lead to nowhere… after an hour, the path gained some level of use (footprints, ski tracks and even a couple of cigerette butts). Pleased with my dectective powers I continued down the track and finally after just over two hours effort I got into a town. Remembering the proximity of the slopes to the Italian border, I was relieved to discover the inhabitants spoke French, and that by some learning miracle, so did I. I quickly found a phone, let those waiting for me for lunch know about my exhurstion and temporary absence, and found a tram which took me all the way back up the mountain.

I really just wanted to go home at this point, but the quickest way home was up the tram and down the mountain. Finding the conditions less icy than before, I still put in a full afternoons boarding and took away the pain from icy falls (the snow is crap here – sigh) and mass hiking with a couple of fine choc ‘o’ rums. A tiring but interesting day in all. Bit dis-illusioned with the boarding part of the holiday, the naff conditions and early starts are just putting me in a foul mood. May just change the holiday into a drinking binge and forget the hard effort, after all, I AM on hoilday 🙂

Happy birthday to me

2 Feb

Hurray ! I’m older ! 28 today…

And for my birthday, after three long stress filled weeks of commuting and interviews I have finally been given not one but FIVE job offers. Hopefully some of them kept the receipts so I can take them back for a refund… They are all permanent positions in London, which means I am UK based once again, for better or for worse.

Next week I shall be relaxing in the Alps once again with my snowboard and friends. Prefect timing there, allowing me a week away to unwind, relax, mix some bitching cocktails and prepare to start my new career shortly after I get back.

In tech news, I got a new phone (and number – 07917367680). It’s a nokia (shame) but it’s quite sweet and lets me take little pictures of people that show up when they ring me. Currently I am using inanimate objects for best friends until I get real photos. I can now be amused as Erik rings and a mug of tea shows up. It’s funny if your me, anyway.